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For many men around the world, one very intimate subject has often been a source of anxiety: the size of their genitals. These worries are fuelled by many sources, ranging from widespread misconceptions about typical penis size, popular overemphasis on the importance of this measure, and cultural views of genital size as a sign of personal masculinity. Men tend to misjudge the size of their penis, due to viewing it from above. Truly, penis size matters mainly because we think it does. Actually it is believed that a wide penis gives a woman a 'greater feeling of fullness' and is therefore physically and psychologically more satisfying. Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons why penis width could be described as more sexually satisfying by women.

Offer sexual confidence

When it comes to belief in their own sexual prowess, a vast majority of men don't seem to be negatively affected by widespread cultural uncertainties about which sizes are most desirable. And as with satisfaction, sexual confidence related to penis size appears to trend upwards as men age. This may be more noticeable in younger men, as young men tend to demonstrate less satisfaction about their size and a greater impact of size on their sexual confidence.

Misconception killed

Men's worries about size occur in the context of many social pressures. Perceptions of penis size have become so distorted in the popular imagination that the reality is often ignored and exceeded by exaggerated notions of an ideal size. More than that, these beliefs vary substantially between nations and even states - what's considered "ideal" in one place may not be so in another. Is it any wonder that men often struggle with anxiety about this very personal issue? But as it is, most men continue to show satisfaction with their size, and most women don't consider size to be a crucial issue. At the end of the day, there's much more to satisfying relationships and sexual confidence than this one simple measure.

Insecurity and unnecessary worries dismissed

Insecurity and lack of confidence about size is more than an idle concern and as such, these worries can have a very real impact on a man's sexual live be it on free gay sex chat or anywhere else. It is clear that anxiety and worries can reduce a man's abilities to get and keep an erection regardless of their penis size, and is not caused by having a smaller penis or otherwise.

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